Jul 16Liked by Melody Wright

Melody - You've written a terrific piece...better, much better, than I have seen in any newspapers, magazines, etc by well-known writers and journalists. Thoughtful, detailed, compassionate, clear-eyed, sensible, and done in good faith (how rare, these days?). I'm running out of adjectives, so just a big "thank you". Sounds corny, maybe, but this country our ours needs more people like you.

Best wishes,


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Thank you so, so much. That means a lot to me. You are welcome. And if its corny, then I'm corny because it made my day. Thank you again for the incredibly kind words.

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Jul 14Liked by Melody Wright

Melody, you are a very insightful person. You have Wisdom beyond your years. You are seeking for answer that can only be filled by the One who created all things, the Lord God. 40 years ago God our Father revealed to my wife and I salvation and eternal life through His Son, Jesus Christ and by the ultimate sacrifice He made on the Cross. He is the answer. He will give you the peace, hope and faith you seek. My wife and I had, since then, 6 children, lost one 3 year old to Brain Cancer and faced many hardships and difficulties through our marriage of 48 years. But, through it all, the Lord never left us, always gave us strength, hope and faith. He will carry us both to the end of this life and onto eternal life with Him in heaven. I hope this encourages you.

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Thank you, Mike. I share this gift with you and feel beyond blessed. I find my peace, strength and joy in him. Your words did encourage me. Thank you again.

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Jul 14Liked by Melody Wright

So many other attempts/successes. Scalise, Milk, MLK, Giffords the 5 at WaPo. One party has condoned violence as a solution and has promised retribution and revenge. I'm all for turning down the rhetoric but most Americans want less violence in their lives and would never promote it.

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Thanks - I liked your write-up. Also thank you for the real estate information you and Travis have provided. I watch you guys and really appreciate your on-the-ground research.

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Thank you for reading and for your support!

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Jul 17Liked by Melody Wright

The income inequality is more stark than the Fed chart suggests. If you saw a chart of wealth of the 74% broken into bands of say $100,000 you'd likely see the bottom of the 13.2 million starts not much above that level with 1% or maybe 0.1% responsible for the bulk of the 74%

While several hundred thousands sounds like a lot, if you house equity is included, the bulk of the 13.2 would be from their house. Another way to look at it would be that many of that 13.2 households are benefiting a couple of thousand dollars a month and living in a bigger residence.

So the inequality is seriously extreme and fogged over in the Fed chart!

Just my back of an envelope guess.

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Jul 15Liked by Melody Wright

Melody, this was beautiful and your versatility shows. Daniel Schmachtenberger expertly illuminates all that you have touched upon here and is highly recommended. https://open.spotify.com/episode/07yiaEJx1v2iFvffgeuUnk

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Thank you for the kind words and the link. I will check it out.

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I often said that if you did a Venn Diagram of OccupyWS and Tea Party you'd see a ~40% overlap. One group angry about big government pissing away money and the other angry about corporate ownership of government. It's surprising how cheaply you can buy a legislator at both the state and federal levels on an issue. Very similar but the power that be want us divided so the $30-$50k are oitted against the $50-$90k, when in reality they (we) are all being screwed by Venture Capital rolling up everything from porta potties to road barricades to minor league BB teams. Doctor's practices, PBMs with Big Pharma, it goes on and on. It behooves the .1% to encourage us to fight when we might otherwise be "storming the Bastille" on our own, not with the encouragement of the President in his "official capacity." Very sad. Sinclair, Nextstar and Gray television own over 100 local outlets each, and it's shocking what they all say, per the ownership line.

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Right?! Everyone for sale or lease. Have you read Ballou's Plunder on PE? I think you would like it.

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"An honest politician is one who, when he is bought, will stay bought." Simon Cameron

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Jul 15Liked by Melody Wright

Thank you so much for posting this, Melody! So well said and I completely agree.

I believe we had already been drifting toward division and faithlessness when the Covid shutdowns occurred. If you look at the big uptick in % of people not claiming a faith it correlates with that time period. We noticed that friends and family also were loathe to resume get togethers in the same manner following the shutdowns.

Additionally, you cite the deaths of despair increase which is staggering and is very similar to graphs I have seen comparing the launch of the iPhone and increase in social media to suicide and rates of anxiety and depression. Even though both of these products/phenomena claim to better connect us in reality we know they create more isolation and division.

Your conclusion reminded me of one of my favorite verses;

‘And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.’ Hebrews 10:24-25

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Thank you. You brought tears to my eyes and gave me chills. Such a good word. Thank you.

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Jul 14Liked by Melody Wright

Some very ‘lopsided’ data there but, nevertheless, VERY salient and accurate points. A great book about the unbridled power of the IMF is The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism (2008), by Naomi Klein. It’s a real expose of the University of Chicago and the London School of Economics. Keep up the good work! Thanks

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Thank you. Yes - I wish I had a little more time. I will check it out - sounds familiar.

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Jul 14Liked by Melody Wright

A beautiful article Melody. Alas, I fear that essentially you are calling for more introspection by one and all, and introspection is currently not in favor. Perhaps, yesterday's heinous events will start to encourage that, but I worry there is too much invested in tribal loyalties to allow most people to think about why they are loyal.

Here's hoping!

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Thank you. Yes - it's hard to believe my words could wake anyone up, but I'm starting to look at hope as an effort so I had to give it a try :)

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Jul 14Liked by Melody Wright

Thank you for that, Melody. I agree; violence is not the answer. I hope we return to a time when civil discourse was the norm, and we did not view our fellow Americans as enemies , vermin, or dehumanized our political opponents. Best to you and yours.

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You are welcome and thank you for reading. I hope so too. God Bless.

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Jul 14Liked by Melody Wright

more like this pls

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Jul 14Liked by Melody Wright

Mortality from deaths of despair will only increase IMO as more and more struggle financially due to this horrible inflation. And whether it's from alcohol or drugs or something else, it's likely to continue to be primarily men. At 78, it's a damn scary world, not only financially but also the wars currently in process or just around the corner. I fear for my grandkids.

Thanks for a great article. By the way, hadn't thought of the bots

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Thank you so much for reading and you are welcome. I think as humans we aren't trained to think that an account with a face on it could be a bot....I forget every time. I truly hope we can reverse this trend.

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Thank you for not just sending data but for sending germane data. Nowadays we tend to get overwhelmed with info. You, on the other hand, sent straight forward data about what has gone wrong with this country: 98% of the wealth held by 50% citizens. And, I suspect, the stress of living paycheck to paycheck creates more stress and anxiety--which tends to create more stupidity, morbidity, and mortality. A good e-mail.

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Miles Mathis does a great job showing that all high-profile incidents meant to terrorize or divide us are fake.

This is what I saw this morning, hilarious.

Trump grabs right ear here (21 sec. mark):


Trump grabs left ear here (14 sec. mark):


Me, I think the process that Q laid out -- You have to show people the evil, as they will not believe until then -- is playing out. I believe the evil is shown beginning in October. Until then, as Q laid out, 'You are watching a movie. Enjoy the show.'

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Jul 15Liked by Melody Wright

Another person pointed out to me that the second video is a 'mirror image' edit, made clear by the fact that at the eight second mark, the Trump sign being held by the woman has backwards letters. Nevermind...

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Jul 14Liked by Melody Wright

P.S. -- you do great work, Melody. Keep it up! You are a clear, logical voice in the wilderness, and will be proven correct.

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Thank you so much, and I will check this out.

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