Oct 3Liked by Melody Wright

The people at the top of our government are *literally* (and I mean *literally*) nothing but demons in meat suits. I hope that there is such a thing as karma . . . or a place such as hell for their souls.

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Oct 3Liked by Melody Wright

I lived in Sarasota for 38 yrs.. The coastal communities here got hit hard by this storm. I learned a long time ago that each storm has its own "personality" and effects. I follow these storms very closely. It was clear the the Southeast was going to be hit hard. Your description regarding the damage is very disturbing. The lack of adequate response shakes me to my core. Why the tepid response? If, as a concerned citizen, I could see something like this happening how can the professionals be so ill prepared?

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Oct 3Liked by Melody Wright

Hi Melody, you r an angel.

I lived through hurricane Andrew and the many hurricanes that followed. Here are a few facts. FEMA was set up as a result of Andrew. I was working for TWA in Ft Lauderdale during Andrew. Here are a few things I learned from that experience.

First thing to know and I expect you should check the FEMA web site for lists of venders. The government has preferred vendors that they contract to use during these types of emergencies. The government guarantees that these vendors get first dibs providing assistance. So if you r driving a semi full of water to a disaster area you will be stopped and turned back because legally the government has guaranteed the vendor the right to provide water, etc. The vender is under no obligation to show up at any certain time hence the delays. This works for cell and internet providers and MRE’s and electrical repairs, the list goes on and on. This is why the FAA is threatening the private helicopter and light aircraft operators. You will probably be fined and worse if you continue to provide air service. It also explains why Musk had his satellites turned off. I could go on but I know you are a high IQ woman and the FEMA site will blow your mind. I’m praying for you (a lot). Will pass along your go fund me sites. We love you and are asking God to keep you safe and healthy. All out love and thanks.


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Oct 3·edited Oct 3Liked by Melody Wright

Fema has a "preferred list of vendors".



America Last: After Spending $640 Million On Migrants And Billions Abroad, FEMA Suddenly 'Broke'

by Tyler Durden

Thursday, Oct 03, 2024

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Theresa - thank you so much for the prayers, love, support and kind words. The preferred vendor thing is so very upsetting. When human lives are ignored for kickbacks - well it makes me very convicted. Thank you for sharing the GoFundMe. I really want to do the right thing and help these people. Thank you again. Your comment means a lot.

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Perhaps it's not conspiracy, but just plain bureaucracy responsible for some of the gaps? A key part of response is communications on what the government can do, so people know what to ask for. I think this is the biggest mistake right now. Communications. Some things they can easily do is get food / water where it is needed. They can also transport people to emergency shelters.

FYI, in a disaster of this scale it is expected to take weeks, sometimes months to get all power back. That is prioritized by criticality (hospitals), and main lines that serve the most people. So your being without power for under a week is not a surprise.

I don't think a raw number of MRE's or bottles of water distributed is really relevant. The relevant question is are they able to get water to people who need it for basic drinking and cooking? Are they able to get food to people who don't have any?

All major storm responses have issues (including Katrina where people were VERY upset at being stranded with no way out).

The real question is if people are not getting what is needed, is the leadership getting it to them if it is available. Usually the federal gov't can get food and water to everyone.

Personally I don't think it serves a purpose to repeat various hateful messages on social media. Most everyone of any political persuasion including the leadership wants to get as much help to those who need it as is possible. Why shine a spotlight on the small minority of haters, and insinuate there are politics behind it?

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Oct 6Liked by Melody Wright

One of the popular narratives coming from the Bible Belt was Sandy was a punishment for us satanic worshipers in NY. I’m reminding people of that. Chris Cristi (I’m no fan of him BTW) was crucified by the GOP and right wingers for actually hugging Obama. Remember that ? Personally I think what happened in this current storm is awful. I feel terrible for the people affected. Somehow we have to get realistic about our expectations about our power to deal with situations like this when they happen. This one looks like it is an absolute logistical nightmare. Looking at maps there don’t appear any areas to stockpile supplies much less move them into affected areas quickly. It’s a very difficult topography where extensive areas are only accessible on foot. Forget about large scale helicopter operations right now. Witnessing relief efforts here in the northeast firsthand I could see it all takes time, even here where resources were closer.

I wish I could drive down there and help but I’m too old and not much good for something like this. But unlike the Bible Belt folks, I sympathize and support them financially.

After a time this country will have to become more aware of our current limitations on response and our current inadequate infrastructure which is going to take tax money, yes tax money to finance large scale fortification operations. Power, transportation, sanitation etc are all going to need more investment . We have to make better choices on spending because private sources can’t do it. Have to think differently about a lot of things

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Hi Dave - Thank you for commenting. I think there could be many reasons the people are not getting what they need or the water they need. With complicated events like this there is never one thing. I am not a fan of hate, but of helping and bringing awareness. Sometimes though the facts on the ground are uncomfortable. There are a lot of uncomfortable facts here. I think people will look back at this in a year and understand the destruction, but if you haven't seen it up close it's hard to comprehend. Of course it takes weeks to restore power, but the response is tepid compared to prior disasters. I don't know why with any degree of uncertainty. But, my goal will be to help the people here, tell their stories and uncover as much of the facts as I can. Another goal as always will be to question the prevailing narratives no matter how uncomfortable that may be.

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Just in time for elections.

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PS classifying critical thinkers as 'haters' is a form of gaslighting, but, you knew that. Right?

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Melody, you are a gifted writer. I look forward to seeing more of your content with my continued membership in your channel. You are on my "recommended list" for my channel and I hope that brings you more wise viewers. Big thumbs up from Oregon.

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Thank you so much, Jill! The kind words and support are much appreciated.

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Oct 9Liked by Melody Wright

Hi Melody,

I saw that there is a new storm coming Florida's way, Milton I believe. I hope preparations are met and that it won't be as bad as Helene. Stay safe and I hope your area is not affected.

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Oct 7Liked by Melody Wright

Thank you for all of your honest reporting and relief assistance efforts. Other than money and prayers, what else can we send? Are sleeping bags and blankets needed for the colder nights? Is there a church that can receive deliveries? Let me know what's needed and the best way to make that happen.

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Hi Carolie - thank you so much for the kind words. ABSOLUTELY - if you want to send items like blankets, coats, hats and gloves - you can send to: The Rock Fellowship Church, 3120 Browns Mill Rd, Johnson City, TN 37604

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Oct 7Liked by Melody Wright

Keep fighting the good fight Melody.

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Oct 6Liked by Melody Wright

Thank you for your reporting. Just donated. May many more who can give do so in hopes that you are able to disseminate this money directly to those who need it most.

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Thank you so much! I've been visiting local sites and making a list of needs. It's getting colder here, so this money will be put to good and productive works!

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Oct 5Liked by Melody Wright

Thank you so much for sharing this Melody. We are praying for you and all of those around you suffering through this disaster. Contributing to your fund. 🙏

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Thank you so much for the prayers. There were sorely needed. And thank you for contributing. There is much work to be done.

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Oct 4Liked by Melody Wright

Praying for you all!

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Thank you - sorely needed.

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Oct 4Liked by Melody Wright

I follow you for your detailed real estate reporting. I relate to your education-empowered career wanderings, your recent homecoming, and your penchant for using frameworks and obscure data to bring light to complex but nevertheless consequential economic developments. You are articulate and gifted with a unique perspective. May you always use if for the good of your countrymen/women. And may you find a more visible and vetted link to call for donations. A personal go fund me asks for a level of trust that you yourself are telling folks is ill-advised.

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Thank you for following my work. I agree with you which is why I want people to be very sure as the responsibility is great. For whatever reason people contacted me for help, and I will honor that request even if it makes me feel a bit uncomfortable. There are many, many places to give, and I have shared several on social media. Unfortunately, "vetted" organizations often don't get the relief to the people that need it and the corruption is widespread. There just aren't any easy answers in times like this. If you want local phone #s, please just reply to the email and tell me know how you want to help. I can provide those links or a referral for you and those who want to help vet for themselves.

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Oct 4Liked by Melody Wright

thank you Melody for telling the story of those impacted. I continue to be appalled with current administration. it is unconscionable that the MSM, administration allows this neglect to occur and no mention anywhere, oh, is it an election year? do they have an alternate agenda? hmmm, u betcha. I pray for those impacted and will send $$. pray for a new Govt 11/5/24.

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Thank you so much for your empathy and generosity. We will get through this together.

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Oct 4Liked by Melody Wright

Hello Melody,

If you’re still in the market for a generator, one feature you might consider is “duel fuel”, meaning that it can run on gasoline or propane. Propane is generally easier and safer to store long term for emergencies. Also, the generator’s carburetor won’t get gummed up if exclusively run on propane, making it more likely to start when you need it. If gasoline is available, it’s easy to switch over to run on that, but drain the carburetor before putting it away. Thanks for your report and your caring.

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Thank you so much! Yes - what would be ideal is one that also had a solar component. Have you seen one with all 3?

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Oct 4Liked by Melody Wright

The solar part needs a battery (to store solar energy) and an inverter (to turn it into 110 volts AC), plus the panels. The good news is that they’re available in premade packages called “solar generators”. Home Depot and Amazon have good selections. The Home Depot packages go on sale about every other week, online. While the prices have come down a great deal for solar equipment, it’s still pricy for the amount of power you get. The fueled generators give you the most power for the buck, for emergencies. Solar generators (the battery part) can be recharged from an external power source (the fueled generator) if you don’t have enough panel input (cloudy). The solar generator runs quietly and without fumes, so it would be a good choice to run smaller things (lights, fridge) at night while the generator handles larger things (well pump?) during the day. It’s important to know what you’ll plan to run so you know how much output you’re shopping for. The alternative is a permanent whole house generator, around $5000 from Costco or Sam’s, plus installation.

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Thank you!

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Oct 3·edited Oct 3Liked by Melody Wright

I think that the difference between the federal response to Katrina (and can you remember how much crap Bush got from the media?) is that the federal agencies like FEMA have become more incompetent even as they have grow larger, more well-funded, and more corrupt. That there are such things as preferred vendors of emergency supplies beggars belief. Corruption like that breeds incompetence. A poster below stated that preferred vendors are not really mandated to show up by a certain time. Hard to believe that, but it's more believable than some of the wilder, more cynical theories such as the one that suggests that since NC and GA are battleground states, and the affected areas (not Asheville) are mostly Trump land -- certain powers that be feel if voters can't get to voting areas by election day (many of these roads may very well not be rebuilt in time - or people too busy rebuilding their destroyed homes) well, maybe it's enough to flip the state, so let's not work too hard to get things up and running too fast. I choose to believe it's corruption and its resultant incompetence over malice. I hope I'm not wrong.

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Totally agree John that I think these agencies have become more incompetent and corrupt. I think this is such a large part of it. At this point I have no idea what the real truth is as to the why, but I know the people are hurting and need help. That will be my main focus. Thank you so much for the insightful comment.

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Oct 3Liked by Melody Wright

Holy Caca why hasn't this been front page news from the get go! Because it's mostly Appalachia??

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Oct 3Liked by Melody Wright

I saw the post you retweeted about how FEMA was blocking community members from helping in Florida in an earlier hurricane. I'm in Maui and lived through the fires last year which were triggering to me as I'm a survivor of another wildfire that destroyed our home several years ago (under a different administration). In Maui, FEMA and the local government were also blocking people from going in to help. Ostensibly it was to prevent looting and I'm sure there's some point to that, but I don't know why they couldn't partner with local volunteer groups to allow limited authorized access to deliver supplies. The money-for-preferred-vendors angle seems entirely plausible though. Fortunately Lahaiana was able to be reached by boat and they didn't seem to care about people that were delivering supplies that way (unlike the person whose post you retweeted). But FEMA wasn't done yet--they have taken a wrecking ball to the rental market by paying up to $13,000/month mainly to short-term rental owners to house displaced people (typical rent was about $4k/month for a 3br/2ba). This prompted a lot of sneaky evictions that were of dubious legality in order to grab that obscene FEMA money. In our wildfire I think we got maybe $500 total from FEMA and they were just generally useless. We had insurance to help pay the skyrocketing rent but the area had a similar rental crunch before and even worse after the fire. I honestly think FEMA should just go away and stop "helping". Leave the disaster relief to local organizations and the national guard (which is normally under the control of the governor of the state).

Anyway, thank you for what you are doing. Community and connection is where it's at!

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Oct 3Liked by Melody Wright

Dear Karl,

Thank you for writing - painful trauma you've gone through. I read the Maiu Surfers stood their ground against fema but can't find the article in the way back machine.

NoCal fires are their weapon against We The People where I live.

They can't kill usa all.

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Thank you, Karl. I'm so sorry to hear about your previous experiences. Thinking of Lahaina brings tears to my eyes as I heard those stories then as well. The short-term rental subsidies are especially galling to hear about. I heard they would do that but set it at market rent. That is so ridiculous and to John's point above creates opportunities for fraud and corruption. I think the biggest lesson is they won't save us. As you say, community is where it's at.

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